VOlunteer with us
Without our wonderful volunteers we could not provide our amazing services, run our fabulous shops and host our packed diary of events. So, we are very grateful for their time, effort, enthusiasm and commitment.
We welcome enquiries and applications from volunteers to help us across the range of our services, in our shops and at our hospice.
And, we would love to hear from you, even if you only have an hour to spare….
Please use the links below to download an application form and, if necessary, a parental consent form (for volunteers under 18 years of age). Completed forms can be handed in at our shops across the Forest of Dean, by hand or post to the hospice or by email to clerical@great-oaks.org.uk, marked for the attention of the volunteer coordinator.

Volunteer roles
Hospice volunteer roles:
Please click on a role title to expand the information.
The hospitality & kitchen volunteer role includes food preparation, cooking and other kitchen duties, such as clearing away, washing up, etc.
Volunteers will be expected to share the cooking role on a rota-basis and prepare lunch for approx. 10-15 people.
Currently volunteers are only required for Mondays, as we only provide lunch on Monday but this may change as services expand to meet the needs of more patients.
The wellbeing centre volunteer role involves supporting our nursing team to deliver our regular wellbeing services.
Volunteers may be preparing the lounge and dining room, welcoming patients and visitors, spending time with patients and visitors in the lounge, serving drinks and lunches, and/or taking part in activities organised by our team or by visiting facilitators.
Currently volunteers are only required for Mondays and Thursday mornings, but this may change as services expand to meet the needs of more patients.
We welcome enquiries from experienced counsellors and complementary therapists who want to provide their services on a voluntary basis at the hospice.
The volunteers will work as members of the Clinical Team, providing care to our wide range of service users – patients, carers, families and supporters.
In addition to experience, or an interest, in palliative care and relevant qualifications, all counselling and complementary therapy volunteers will be expected to be members of pertinent professional bodies and be willing to offer a minimum of 6 months commitment to the role.
The gardening & maintenance volunteer role is ideal for someone with green-fingers and/or handy-person skills.
Working in conjunction with our small maintenance team, gardening & maintenance volunteers will be expected to help with general maintenance and upkeep of the hospice grounds and/or buildings as directed.
Our Great Oaks Fundraising Team run many events throughout the year and they are only made possible by the fabulous volunteers who provide event support & marshalling.
The volunteer roles vary according to the event, the location and the activity but whatever the role, the volunteer will be supporting us to make a difference and help people with life-limiting illnesses in our community.
Whether supporting our fundraising team, our complementary therapy team or our hospice admin team, an admin support volunteer has an important role to play at Great Oaks.
The role and responsibilities will vary according to the team being supported and the experience of the volunteer, but all admin support volunteers will be expected to have good IT skills and be able to work in a team, or independently, as required.
Volunteers supporting patients through complementary therapy sessions work closely with the lead member of staff delivering the session and the patient.
The volunteer role may involve hospitality duties, room preparation and inclusion in session activities, if appropriate.
Community Roles:
Please click on a role title to expand the information.
Befriending volunteers provide an important service for patients and families across our community, here in the Forest of Dean.
Whether visiting patients in their own homes or scheduling regular phone calls, befriending volunteers provide support for patients and respite for family carers.
Through a mix of contact, visits, outings and trips to the shops, the befriender helps the patient to regain confidence and learn new skills following diagnosis and through treatment.
Full training and support is provided for all Volunteer Befrienders before they engage with patients.
This role is suitable for (but not exclusive to) volunteers who have other roles within the hospice or experience of the hospice.
The Ambassador role is a new role and one which we see growing as more ambassadors are identified.
We anticipate that the role will involve supporting open events at the hospice and information events in our community as required; delivering presentations about the work of Great Oaks to community groups and corporate organisations seeking to find out how they might be able to support us; and supporting fundraising events.
If you are interested in becoming a Trustee for Great Oaks, please contact our Chairperson, Sue Williams. All enquiries can be directed to our Main Reception on 01594 811910 or by email: clerical@great-oaks.org.uk .
Shop Roles
Our shop volunteers are the heart and soul of our retail experience. Working as a team, they are involved in all aspects of the day-to-day effective running of our shops and they are the face of the hospice throughout our Forest of Dean community.
The shop roles are varied but the different responsibilities could include:
• Retail assistant
• Customer support
• Stock management
• Online sales
Would you like to help?
Opportunities for Volunteers vary at any given time, for further details please contact the Volunteer Services Coordinator at the hospice.
To download the application form click the button below.